Friday, October 3, 2008


To seek the truth,to feel the world, far and away he went

The dark woods had 2 paths,second one with a bent

Being a lone traveller he took the first one,telling u why

This one had many footprints,and other was less travelled by

He moved forward in the world of hope ,love and pride

so much was he enchanted by that joyfilled ride

That he forgot he was just a traveller and shd move away the next night

Instead he embraced that world,and took it as his life
As the time moved,he felt feeling of detatchment and despair

looked around and no more found the sign of love there

joy and laughter also vanished away dont know where

The garden too went barren and this time not even a single rose it bear

He still had some hope inside,though everythin seemed to end

his hope made him move towards the other road now,the one with a bend...

Journey ws a bit cumbersome but what he got there was awesome

And it took him no time to realise after losing all what he had actually won............

Friday, September 26, 2008

Well said

I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost ...
Then never to have loved at all



A new dawn appeared, silent and amazed in the early morning drizzle

A new life sprung and was exhorted by a thousand relations

Another star was added in a dark endless sky

Anoher pearl was appended to a fathomless sea

Another character was given to the perpetual show

The stage was here,the fate was clear

journey was tedious,with errant paths and dead end roads

journey with umpteen joy and pleasure ,

journey with pain and sorrow beyond measure,

Wordly pleasures tamed him like a puppet

And shortly greed and lust grew faster then psyche

Fresh relations were framed and to the quondam ones he said good bye

For they were of no use now thought he”why should I bear this burden now? tell me why?”

He stripped off his conscience ,masked himself with false truth,

Wealth followed, society adored but the soul weakened

Soon the years floated away,months fled and the days went by,

And he heard his soul suffering and seeking eternal bliss instead of worldly pleasure“

Am i better then the wench I met the other day?”,thought he

“For she traded just an ephemeral flesh but I have sold my eternal psyche”,

For the very first time a light rise to the door of awakening was felt within

He shed his old skin,opened his sleeping eyes to a new light

And cleared away the veil clinging with him so heavily

The show still went on and audience watched him disappear surprised and puzzled

And once again a new dawn appeared silent and amazed In the early morning drizzle